I really don't understand why some people are so into all those luxurious brands like LV, Gucci, Prada, Hermes, you name it. If you are super rich and have too much extra cash to spend, then go ahead. What i don't get is people who barely have enough to support themselves but are still going crazy after those brands. This is especially directed to teenage girls who are still financially supported by their average to low income earning parents. Sometimes, I wonder if they use their brains to think at all.

There you have the parents who are working day and night to earn money so that they can make ends meet and then you have their teenage girls who have ZERO income but are spending on LV and Gucci handbags. If you buy it with you own allowances then it's still acceptable. But, if your allowances can get you a LV handbag, then your parents must be giving you alot. So, instead of spending it all on those stupid handbags, don't you think it's better to ask for less allowances so that you can ease you parents' burden a little?!

What's worst is those who spend all their allowances on the stupid handbags and later come back to their parents asking for money to buy necessities. One of the stupidest reason I've heard from these girls is 'It's my parents responsibilities to pay for my necessities mah, the allowances is my money mah!' Halo?! They have already given you monthly allowances! And that is for you to buy necessities! Not to save and spend all on stupid handbags! Do you know how hard your parents earned the money that you spent on ONE handbag? Is it really worth it?

If you want to spend on these things, please wait till you come out and work. When you are earning your own money, you can buy whatever you want! But for now, just stick to normal brands can?

Bottom line...

If you can't afford it, DON'T BUY!

If after you bought it, you have to go crawling back to your parents for more money, DON'T BUY!

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