It's a fact...I'm weird. I have a really weird phobia.

This morning, my manager asked me to call a client to get some information. I sat there, staring at the phone for hours...seriously! Luckily it's not urgent.

I just can't bring myself to pick up the phone.

I really don't like making calls. Let's put it this way, I really, really, REALLY hate making calls!

I don't mind receiving them at all. In fact, I like receiving calls! Coz I feel important when people call me. Haha. :p

Making calls should be easy as well! Pick up the phone, dial the number, say whatever you have to say...done! But to me it's like the most difficult task in the world.

Whenever I have to make a call, I'm worried that I'll say the wrong thing/make a fool of myself/the person on the other end can't understand what I am saying and I'll end up mumbling or stuttering.

I need to stop thinking so much and just pick up the phone and call!

Do you know? It actually took me the whole day to successfully forced myself to make that ONE call! I had to repeatedly rehearse the script of what I want to say for like 1000 times. I ended up talking like a robot! Sigh...


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on MC for the first time today. yes! no need to go to work!!...

feeling dizzy and keep having the urge to vomit since i woke up this morning...

went to the clinic and the doctor say it's due to stress.. haha...

i should really tell that to my manager...

anyway, i feel better now and i'm going to the new Neway K Box in Queensbay later!

woohoo! it's sooooo nice not having to work... ^^
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Wishing all mothers a very Happy Mother's Day..!!

a VERY, VERY big THANK YOU to the most special woman in my life...

thanks mum for all your tender loving care...

really appreciate everything that you have done for me...

love u so so much!


So i went on a short trip to KL and Malacca last weekend with JJ and his family...

On the way, we stopped by Ipoh for breakfast...

here are some photos from the trip...

Ipoh's chee cheung fun, my FAVOURITE! yum~

Malacca's Baba Nyonya food...SUPERB!!

A Famosa...^^

The beach @ Portugese Settlement in Malacca...

LOVE this photo...

Overall, a nice break from my boring working life...

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