have we reached that age already??
just realised that many of my peers have gotten and will be getting married soon...
some even have babies already..!!
but why do i still feel and sometimes act like a kid?
honestly, marriage sounds scary to me...
all the commitments and responsibilities... =="
so, to those of u who keep asking "when are u getting married?" or "bila mau kahwin?"...
the answer is:
not in the foreseeable future...
i'm still young and not ready to settle down any time soon..
so, dun ask me anymore...it feels weird! :p
ya i am similarly fearful of the commitment and responsibility part :( sometimes i feel like i wanna be in a r/ship but when i think of marriage (since i'd wanna date with marriage in mind), but the thought of marriage puts me off. ah. dilemma.
ps: my mum gave birth to me when she was 23 "-_- so young "-_-