but super duper bored now...
submitted my report today...finally, the burden is off... another 1 more presentation and 1 1/2 more essays and i am done with uni...
honours year is coming to an end, which means i'll soon have to leave Christchurch for good...
i am really glad that all the stress and sleepless nights will soon be over, but at the same time, i can't help feeling very heavy-hearted...
i used to hate coming to Christchurch, but after almost 4 years here, i really don't want to leave...
Christchurch has become a very, very special place to me. I have done things that I've never thought I'd do and I've met many great and wonderful people who have impacted my life, in one way or another.
when it is time to leave, i know i'll be really sad. but i believe when something ends, there is often a new and better's time to move on and see what God has planned for me. there is a whole new journey waiting for me to embark on...
but no matter what happens in the future, i know i'll never ever forget my time here in Christchurch and all the amazing people that I have met and helped me along the way. :)
tulips are everywhere..!!
so, so, so, so, soooo pretty!
especially the bright red and white ones...
i want to go to the botanical gardens!
yor! cannot tahan lo...
so very, very, very pretty...
tulips are seriously the PRETTIEST flowers in the world!
This really is my final lap...
please, i need Your strength to push through...

Blackberry Curve 8900
would really love to have one...
anyone want to sponsor? =p
now i know how surveyors/researchers feel when people don't respond to their surveys...
the anxiety is killing me! why won't they respond to my survey? WHY?!
i need at least 100 responses and so far, i've only got 13!! 13 out of 100!! haih...
and i've got less than 2 months to finish up everything.. T_T
from now on, i will not ignore other people's surveys anymore. it's not good to let people go through such pain and sufferings (ok fine! im exaggerating).
anyway people, do your surveys if you can. it'll only take 5-10mins. it's good to help people.
don't be deceived by its harmless appearance...
the truth is, toothpicks are evil!
they hide in dark places...
with their sharp pointy ends facing upwards...
waiting for the right moment to cause you great pain...
by the time you noticed it, it's already too late...
by then, it'd have already succeeded in making a deep hole on the sole of your foot...
and rejoicing as you groan in pain..
BEWARE of toothpicks! they are EVIL!
why bad things always happened to me on Thursdays??
skipped class on Thursday 2 weeks in a row..
i always fall sick on Thursdays...why?!
don't know how to tell my lecturer also...
haih...super sien! ><
now, i hate Thursdays more than Mondays!
herm, i think my blog is turning into a food blog..
i realised most of my posts are food-related.. :p
here's another one - Estudio-S
a Spanish restaurant on Victoria Street...

eggplant salad, ajillo mushrooms and roast potatoes..
very yummy side dishes...
didn't order main dishes coz we already had dinner...
our main objective was the 2 for 1 cocktail deal... :p

my drink - Michelada
a mix of tequila, salt, lemon and 2 other ingredients..
quite bitter and salty...
not too bad...

Glo's drink - Rossini
a mix of strawberry puree, cava and something else.. :p
need to ask Glo whether it's nice or not..
i personally don't like anything with strawberry flavour in it (i only like the fruit :p)
overall, a very nice and cozy restaurant...
the food is very tasty (love the eggplant salad)...
will need to try their main courses and desserts next time... :)
super sien...
dropped my phone...
back cover went flying...
search all over...
can't find...
now, my phone got no back cover...
super suoi...
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

Awesome movie!!
IMO, the best Harry Potter movie so far.. :D
the 5-week mid year break is coming to an sad. T_T
don't want to go back to uni yet...i still want to play n eat n play n eat... *sigh*
didn't really get to do much during the holidays...
the one and only interesting thing that I did was going a short trip to Wellington
the trip to Wellington was fun! had a great time eating, cafe-hopping, sightseeing and taking photos! (am too lazy to upload the photos...they're on facebook, check it out if interested. :p)
just wanna say a very big thanks to Fran and her flatmates for having us..also to Gloria for accompanying me. Although it's just a very short trip, I really enjoyed myself! :)
Oh ya, there's another interesting event during the holidays - the TALENT NITE!! was great! getting better and better every year! :D

Chin Feng singing a Mandarin Song - 'I Believe'

Li Ying, Siew Ping, Eunice, Angeline, Gloria (aka the Hiaos!) and their little act - A Little Song

a performance by some of the final year students - Karena Wanita

piano solo by Calvin! very nice! one of my fav.. :D
very talented! very entertaining! good job people!
assignments + Wellington + talent nite = 5-week mid year break
quite sad leh.. haih..
nvm, will try to do more during the August break..hehe
oh btw, results coming out 2mrw..should be worried? Hmm..
oh oh.. Harry Potter sixth movie coming out next Wednesday!! can't wait!!
k lar..ntg to write alr.. :p
Just wanted to say that...
Tatsumi's Teppanyaki Eel on Rice is very yummy!!

The Lychee Liquor with Orange Juice (right) is also very nice! :D
The other one is Campari Liquor with Grapefruit Juice...taste a bit weird. Hehe
The restaurant is nice and cosy, I like! :D
IMO, worth trying! :)
I was really craving for tong sui for the past few days but I couldn't find any restaurant that sells anything other than red and green bean.
Therefore, due to my intense craving, I decided to make my own tong sui/dessert. At first, I was contemplating on whether to make bubur cha cha or bubur pulut hitam.
I finally decided on making bubur pulut hitam, mainly because I've never eaten it before and bubur cha cha is very fattening. :p
It is actually quite easy to make. Just follow the recipe nia.. :p
and after hours of soaking and boiling....TA DAA!!! very own bubur pulut hitam!... :)
It was quite good actually! I can't believe I've never tried it before. Hmm...
Next time, I shall try to make longan tong sui! Hehe...
proposal presentation went well! YAY! :D
i hate statistics and SPSS.. >< sleep deprivation is bad...really bad! :( sims 3 is out!! go play! :p Kancho make me sick..i shall never eat Kancho again.. :S i want to watch 'knock knock loving you' series... :) Diversity won Britain's Got Talent! YAY! was rooting for them.. ^^9 thats all for now... i want to go play sims 3 alr... :p
woke up super early today..
had breakfast at Cup cafe, overlooking the Canterbury plains and the Southern Alps!
amazing view, fantastic food..!
i ABSOLUTELY love my hot choc!!

...look at the flower!! Sooo pretty!..
Glo's chai latte was pretty too.. ^_^

both of us had smoked salmon bagel..
the salmon was so fresh n tasty...yummy~!
what a wonderful breakfast.. :)
i shall now begin my cafe/breakfast hunting journey..hehe
I'm so looking forward to the mid year break. Although I still have to work on my research, at least I don't have to worry about any other assignments. No need to go for lectures, no presentations, no essays for 5 weeks! Faster come, faster! Can't wait!
The coming 2 weeks are going to be crazy! So many stuff piling up. All need to be completed within the 2 weeks. Sometimes I wish I had exams and tests instead. Then I don't have to do anything during the term and only study last minute for exams (I'm not a good role model, I know. :p). *sigh*
644 - 3 essays
614 - 3rd assignment + research proposal + proposal presentation
658 - seminar presentation + research proposal
Haven't started on any of these yet. T_T
Somemore, the weather is not helping at all! Everyday is so gloomy, wet and cold. My biggest task everyday is keeping myself away from the bed. Every time when I try to do some work, I'll find myself laying comfortably on my bed, under the duvet. *sigh*
I really need to start doing something!
OK, stop blogging and start reading for monday's quiz.
I am so FREAKING tired!
Honours is very bad for health...seriously!
Had dinner at LoneStar for the first time with some of my coursemates. I had a small serving of lamb shank which includes 2 lamb shanks, a large scoop of mashed potatoes and a medium-sized bowl of salad. The mashed potatoes were really good! There were some crispy strips (don't really know what it is or what it is called) on the plate which were really, really tasty. The lamb shanks, to me, were alright, not particularly good or anything. I'm not really a fan of lamb anyway. Just thought it would be a waste not having tried a proper lamb meal in NZ. For the lamb shank, you can either have the small or large serving. I opted for the small serving coz someone told me that their servings are actually quite big. Even so, I couldn't finished it. The portion was huge! I was so super full! I practically have to force the second lamb shank down my throat! -_-"
The dinner cost me $25 which I think would be quite reasonable if you can share it with someone. I couldn't finish it alone so quite wasting. I managed to finish one and a half lamb shanks, barely touched the salad and there was still some mashed potatoes left on my plate. I didn't want to takeaway the leftovers coz it just feel weird. Hehe. At first, I was actually contemplating on whether to have the full serving or the small serving. Thank God, I didn't go with the full serving! Otherwise, it would have been worse! A few of us had lamb shank while the rest had salmon, fish, chicken, pork ribs etc. Their portions weren't that big compared to the lamb shank. Weird.
Anyway, I had a great dinner and great time hanging out with my coursemates. A good opportunity to get to know my coursemates better. *wink*
So ya, I had my first proper lamb meal in NZ and I am...satisfied! That makes another tick on my checklist of the must-do things in NZ before I leave. Hehe. ^_^
Eye-care in NZ is super, super, SUPER expensive!!
Lenses = $248.40
Frame = $108
Eye-examination = $65
Prescription = $15
Total = $436.40
With that amount, I can get at least THREE new pair of glasses in Malaysia!!!
$400 gone just like that! Waaa...sakitnyerr!!
Hopefully I can get back at least $300 from insurance lar.. *sigh*
very sad! T_T
Shopping is fun!
Shopping makes me forget about all the work that is piling up..
Shopping makes me feel happy especially when I get something I like or I've always wanted at a really good deal..
Shopping is good exercise (walking is a type of exercise, ok!)..
Shopping is a really good stress therapy!
And I think it's good to reward yourself once in awhile. :D
read something interesting today...
apparently, there are two types of behaviour patterns among humans
Type A behaviour pattern (TABP)
"under stress, tend to exhibit behaviors such as achievement striving, competitiveness, time-urgency, hostility, aggressiveness, irritability, and impatience"
"hyperreactive to environment stressors"
"tend to work longer hours, travel more, be more confident about their own abilities"
"most likely outperform Type B individuals under stressful environment"
"motivated by strong desire to control, always seeking to regain control"
"however under prolonged exposure to stress, tend to suspend all effort to regain control (in other words, they tend to give up more easily then Type B individuals)"
"more prone to coronary heart disease and gastrointestinal, respiratory, and nonspecific viral illness"
Type B behaviour pattern (TBBP)
the opposite of TABP (obviously!)
So, are you Type A or B?
I'm pretty sure I'm Type B.. :D
I'm back...AGAIN!! :p
I don't know why but I've got this habit of starting a blog and abandoning it after a few months...
I know, I keep doing it... :p
sometimes I feel like writing, sometimes I don't...
sometimes I feel the need to have a blog (like now), sometimes I don't...
I keep changing my mind...
oh well, let's see how long this blog will last.